8 startup jobs found

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We’re UserTesting, a leader in experience research and insights; we believe the path to human understanding and great experiences start with a shared understanding—seeing and hearing how another perso...
  • Edinburgh, UK
  • Full Time
  • 3 days ago
Global Savings Group
      Global Savings Group (GSG) is Europe’s leading shopping rewards and recommendation company. Our mission is to create rewarding moments for consumers and empower them to make the ...
  • Munich, Germany
  • Full Time
  • 1 week ago
Global Savings Group
      Global Savings Group (GSG) is Europe’s leading shopping rewards and recommendation company. Our mission is to create rewarding moments for consumers and empower them to make the ...
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Full Time
  • 1 week ago
Global Savings Group
      Global Savings Group (GSG) is Europe’s leading shopping rewards and recommendation company. Our mission is to create rewarding moments for consumers and empower them to make the ...
  • London, UK
  • Full Time
  • 3 weeks ago
Global Savings Group
      Global Savings Group (GSG) is Europe’s leading shopping rewards and recommendation company. Our mission is to create rewarding moments for consumers and empower them to make the ...
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Full Time
  • 3 weeks ago
Global Savings Group
      Global Savings Group (GSG) is Europe’s leading shopping rewards and recommendation company. Our mission is to create rewarding moments for consumers and empower them to make the ...
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Full Time
  • 2 months ago
Global Savings Group
      Global Savings Group (GSG) is Europe’s leading shopping rewards and recommendation company. Our mission is to create rewarding moments for consumers and empower them to make the ...
  • Munich, Germany
  • Full Time
  • 2 months ago
Get to know OktaOkta is The World’s Identity Company. We free everyone to safely use any technology—anywhere, on any device or app. Our Workforce and Customer Identity Clouds enable secure yet flexibl...
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Full Time
  • 2 months ago