933 startup jobs found

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We're Celonis, the global leader in Process Mining technology and one of the world's fastest-growing SaaS firms. We believe there is a massive opportunity to unlock productivity by placing dat...
  • Chicago, IL, USA
  • Full Time
  • 5 months ago
We're Celonis, the global leader in Process Mining technology and one of the world's fastest-growing SaaS firms. We believe there is a massive opportunity to unlock productivity by placing dat...
  • New York, NY, USA
  • Full Time
  • 5 months ago
We're Celonis, the global leader in Process Mining technology and one of the world's fastest-growing SaaS firms. We believe there is a massive opportunity to unlock productivity by placing dat...
  • Chicago, IL, USA
  • Full Time
  • 5 months ago
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Full Time
  • 5 months ago
The worldwide data management software market is massive (According to IDC, the worldwide database software market, which it refers to as the database management systems software market, was forecaste...
  • London, UK
  • Full Time
  • 5 months ago
The worldwide data management software market is massive (According to IDC, the worldwide database software market, which it refers to as the database management systems software market, was forecaste...
  • Full Time
  • 5 months ago
The worldwide data management software market is massive (According to IDC, the worldwide database software market, which it refers to as the database management systems software market, was forecaste...
  • Melbourne VIC, Australia
  • Full Time
  • 5 months ago
Pure Storage
BE PART OF BUILDING THE FUTURE. What do NASA and emerging space companies have in common with COVID vaccine R&D teams or with Roblox and the Metaverse?  The answer is data, -- all fast moving...
  • Santa Clara, CA, USA
  • Full Time
  • 5 months ago
Consultant Déploiement Hôpital (x/f/m) Vos missions : Doctolib a pour ambition de devenir le partenaire clef des établissements de santé européens, en facilitant leur organisation quotidienne et l’acc...
  • Paris, France
  • Full Time
  • 5 months ago
Syncron is a leading SaaS company with over 20 years of experience, specializing in aftermarket solutions. Our Connected Service Experience (CSX) platform offers domain-fit solutions for: Supply Chai...
  • 100 Feet Rd, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Full Time
  • 5 months ago
Elastic is a free and open search company that powers enterprise search, observability, and security solutions built on one technology stack that can be deployed anywhere. From finding documents to mo...
  • Full Time
  • 5 months ago
Building a team starts with valuing the team. We hire the best of the best to ensure you’re working with people you can constantly learn from. You’re trusted to get your work done your way while testi...
  • São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Full Time
  • 6 months ago
Pure Storage
BE PART OF BUILDING THE FUTURE. What do NASA and emerging space companies have in common with COVID vaccine R&D teams or with Roblox and the Metaverse?  The answer is data, -- all fast moving...
  • Staines-upon-Thames, UK
  • Full Time
  • 6 months ago
At Qualtrics, we create software the world’s best brands use to deliver exceptional frontline experiences, build high-performing teams, and design products people love. But we are more than a platform...
  • Dublin, Ireland
  • Full Time
  • 6 months ago

Solutions Consultant

We’re UserTesting, a leader in experience research and insights; we believe the path to human understanding and great experiences start with a shared understanding—seeing and hearing how another perso...
  • Full Time
  • 6 months ago

Solutions Consultant

We’re UserTesting, a leader in experience research and insights; we believe the path to human understanding and great experiences start with a shared understanding—seeing and hearing how another perso...
  • Full Time
  • 6 months ago
We're Celonis, the global leader in Process Mining technology and one of the world's fastest-growing SaaS firms. We believe there is a massive opportunity to unlock productivity by placing dat...
  • London, UK
  • Full Time
  • 6 months ago
We're Celonis, the global leader in Process Mining technology and one of the world's fastest-growing SaaS firms. We believe there is a massive opportunity to unlock productivity by placing dat...
  • Munich, Germany
  • Full Time
  • 6 months ago
At Qualtrics, we create software the world’s best brands use to deliver exceptional frontline experiences, build high-performing teams, and design products people love. But we are more than a platform...
  • Chicago, IL, USA
  • Full Time
  • 6 months ago
We're Celonis, the global leader in Process Mining technology and one of the world's fastest-growing SaaS firms. We believe there is a massive opportunity to unlock productivity by placing dat...
  • London, UK
  • Full Time
  • 6 months ago